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The Haunt

Premium-quality, color PDF adventure module.
Maps, Monster Stat Blocks, and Paper Miniatures all included.


A one shot, 6-8 hour Horror themed adventure, designed for characters of 4th or 5th level.


Customer Tetimonials:

  • "My players were afraid to enter a room, but were also excited!"
  • "Solid story!"
  • "My players had a blast and it was a fun adventure to run."..."they all enjoyed the atmosphere of the adventure and commented that the creepy stuff definitely felt creepy."
  • "This is truly awesome. Well Done!"


Unlock the secrets and drive back the evil from Montarthas Manor


In ages past, an ancient town was lost and destroyed to a seige of orcs. Only one building survived and to this day, the manor is the only still standing building to be seen for miles around. Some say it is haunted, a few whisper of great treasures within, whilst others whisper that it is the manor itself that lives! 


No one knows for sure, only that a great evil haunts its halls.


Do you dare enter Montarthas Manor?!


DISCLAIMER! This will be a challenging adventure for 4th level player groups of 3 to 5 players with some deadly encounters. However, ideally The Haunt is tailored as a medium difficulty adventure with plenty of excitement, horror, suspense and danger for a 5th level party of 4 to 5 players.

The Haunt - Daggerwood Dungeon Delves

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